The Taekwondo program at CYC is committed to developing our members both mentally and physically through martial art. Our goal is to provide student athletes with the knowledge, motivation, confidence, and training necessary to reach their athletic potential.
What is Taekwondo?
Taekwondo is a martial art that originated in Korea that is known for its many powerful kicking techniques and a variety of hand strikes. Taekwondo training includes kicking, punching, and blocking drills with a hand held target, stationary heavy bag, or a partner. It also includes form training called, “Poomse”, meaning “pre-arranged movements”, which are movements that are performed alone or in unison with other students.
Taekwondo at CYC
The Taekwondo program consists of facilities and staff that guarantees young individuals a chance to develop and grow in the martial arts. This is done in a safe, rewarding and positive manner with a high level of encouragement, support, and discipline.
The CYC Taekwondo program focuses on fundamentals of the martial art. Every student has their strengths, weaknesses, and personal interests. Some are very motivated to compete, others are more concerned with self-defense, general fitness, or any number of aspects of training that Taekwondo provides. With solid fundamentals and good work ethic each student can find their particular path that is most suitable and rewarding for their future endeavors.
Program Curriculum
The program is organized in a belt rank system. Students will be required to learn a specific curriculum and periodically take tests in order to be promoted to the next rank. We have established this system so that each member is placed according to their age and rank appropriate material. At every level the students are taught the five “tenets of Taekwondo.”
Indomitable Spirit
Higher level students will be required to learn the Korean martial art called “Hapkido”, which includes grabbing, throwing, and joint locks.
Contact Taekwondo Head Coach
To contact the Head Coach for Taekwondo related questions please fill out the form, email, or call.
(925) 671-7070 ext. 211
For registration related questions please email info@cycmail.org